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RE: Displaying lessons on different devices

Displaying lessons on different devices
10/04/19 12:53

I have made a SCORM package out of my lesson and it displays well on a computer screen. However when I load the SCORM via mobile the size does not adjust to the mobile's screen. Am I missing a setting when publishing the lesson? Currently I am publishing the lessons as SCORM 1.2 as Moodle (the LMS we're using) won't display SCORM 2004's properly in the app at all.

Is this a Moodle issue perhaps? 
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RE: Displaying lessons on different devices
11/04/19 00:46 com a resposta a Bianca Grin.
Hi Bianca,
It's hard to say without seeing it.  When you view the lesson from a computer, is it in a nested window, or a separate popup window?  Can you send us a screenshot of the entire window when viewing it on a computer.  If you can take a screenshot from a mobile device, that would be even more helpful.  You can email them to support@smartbuilder.com if you don't wish to share them on the forum.

SmartBuilder content should size automatically to a mobile device's screen, but if Moodle is trying to display the lesson within its own interface, then the lesson probably can't detect the size of the screen.  Each LMS is a little different, so it's hard to say what might be getting in the way of the scaling.  Or it is scaling to the size of the screen, but not taking into account whatever Moodle interface is also using up space.

In SmartBuilder, you can go to Edit > Lesson Settings and there is a property for Scaling on Mobile Devices.  By default, it is set to "Fit Width".  You can try to change that to "Fit Width & Height", and see if that works better for you.

In Moodle, you might need to make the lesson open in a popup window in order for it to scale properly on mobile devices.

Note: If you upload just the lesson to SmartTracker, and send the link to your mobile device, it should scale because it's just the lesson and the device.  Once an LMS is introduced, it gets harder to predict how the LMS is launching the lesson.  I'm not sure if that will help anything, but it might be a worthwhile test to see if the lesson scales outside the LMS.
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RE: Displaying lessons on different devices
11/04/19 09:44 com a resposta a Navdeep Dhillon.
Ok so here are some screenshots. On mobile I appear to be looking at the bottom left corner of the SCORM. 
On computer
On mobile

I have the Scorm set to open in a new window from the LMS screen.
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RE: Displaying lessons on different devices
11/04/19 10:03 com a resposta a Bianca Grin.

Thanks for the screen shots. Would it be possible to assign us a learner for this course in Moodle so we can analyze how it is being displayed ? If so, please register support@smartbuilder.com as the learner's email. 

Thank you,

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RE: Displaying lessons on different devices
16/04/19 07:55 com a resposta a Rob Penn.
This issue has been resolved, thanks! Found the option for making lessons for different sized screens.
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