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13/03/17 16:26
I have published my lesson, but now can't find how to share it through my website.  In V3, I used the iFrame information.
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RE: Publish
14/03/17 17:30 com a resposta a Sharon Spruce.
Hi Sharon - we are adding a host/share feature in v4 which provides you with a URL that you can use to embed your conent within your website. This feature will be available in the next (and last) beta release, which is due out by Monday, 20th March.
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RE: Publish
02/01/20 17:36 com a resposta a Rob Penn.
Hi Sharon,
There is now a way to host the lessons on our servers.  You can find the instructions on how to do that in the Help > Video Tutorials > Getting Started 6: Publish a Lesson.  Here's a link directly to that video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbA8gHvF5bY

Basically after publishing, you have an option to upload it, and it will be uploaded to the Portal site, where you can share the link, get embed code, or manage access (or remove it when you're done).

Edit: You now choose to "Upload to SmartTracker" in the Publish dialog window.  See attached screenshots.

Hope that helps!

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