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RE: Transition Effects

Transition Effects
beta transitions
21.12.16 13:48
Category: Transition Effects
Description of Problem: A transition effect does not play when an object with a transition is clicked immediately after the scene/page loads. The user has to click another object (with or without a transition assigned) and then click again to get it to play.
1) Open the "demo lesson complete" course
2) Go to Scene 2
3) Set at least one of the buttons to have a transition effect (it does not seem to matter which one since I tested all of the them and had the same issue)
4) Click Preview Lesson and/or Publish and play back course
5) Open Scene 2 and click button with transition before clicking anywhere else (transition effect does not play)
6) Click on another button
7) Click on original button with transition (transition will now play)
PC Specs: Dell Laptop, i7-3740QM CPU @ 2.70 GHz, Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 64 Bit with 8 GB RAM
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RE: Transition Effects
05.01.17 12:47 als Antwort auf Beta User.
Thanks for logging this issue. It has been fixed.
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