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RE: How to test lesson in IOS?

RE: How to test lesson in IOS?
25.04.17 16:52 als Antwort auf Nick Evans.
Note: There is an update to do this more easily without involving SCORM Cloud (if you are not intersted in tracking SCORM communication).  See the post below.

Hi Nick

Later in the year we will be releasing a learner portal where you will be able to host content for testing and track learner behaviors. But that won't be until after SmartBuilder 4.0's official release, so in the mean time, you can set up a free account at This is Rustici's LMS like environment (SCORM Cloud) which is a great way to test content online and to also test SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, and/or Tincan API functionality. When you publish your SmartBuilder v4 content be sure to select the options for SCORM and also to create a zip package. (See image below.) This zip package is what you should use to upload to SCORM Cloud. Once your lesson is uploaded you can test it yourself as well as invite others to take a look. To test on an iPad you can log into your SCORM Cloud account from the iPad and launch the lesson directly or generate an invite to the lesson from your desktop and email that url to an email account accessible on the iPad. I hope this helps and if you are still having trouble, feel free to reach out to us via the Live Support Chat.

John Malatino

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RE: How to test lesson in IOS?
10.01.17 08:12 als Antwort auf John Malatino.
Many thanks John. I'll work with that advice and revert if I have any problems.

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RE: How to test lesson in IOS?
25.04.17 16:50 als Antwort auf Nick Evans.
Hi Nick,
There is now a way to host the lessons on our servers.  You can find the instructions on how to do that in the Help > Video Tutorials > Getting Started 6: Publish a Lesson.  Here's a link directly to that video -

See the attached screenshot.  Basically after publishing, you have an option to upload it, and it will be uploaded to the Portal site, where you can share the link, or manage access (or remove it when you're done).

Also, as you've seen from your testing, we've fixed the bugs around showing multiple videos on iOS, so that should all be working now.

Hope that helps!

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