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RE: Embedding an app with SMB

Embedding an app with SMB
05.09.23 13:20
We need to embed an app within smartbuilder.
This is the link of the game.
How do I ensure this is not opened as a separate tab but opened within SMB itself so the user is not directed to another tab or page.
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
05.09.23 13:50 als Antwort auf sanjyot salgar patkar.
When I try the link you gave it says 'Site Not Found'.... But to embed web based content in a lesson I would use the Web Object. With this object you can point to a URL, use embed code, or point to a specific file. Without a link that works I cannot verrify if your app could be embedded.
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
05.09.23 14:02 als Antwort auf John Malatino.

Please try this link
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
05.09.23 14:07 als Antwort auf sanjyot salgar patkar.
Yes that link works. Same advice as before. Use the 'Web Object' and in it's 'URL' property paste that link. Seems to work fine for me.
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