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RE: Final page

Final page
23/01/23 2:30
For some reason, the navigation on the final page/chapter for the learner to go to the next page is enabled (white) instead of grayed out. Is there a way to change this but still allow the back arrow to be enabled?

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RE: Final page
23/01/23 19:04 en respuesta a Gavin Van De Walle.
Hi Gavin,
If you're using our master navigation template, you can put this action on your final page (see image). That will disable just the next button. Though that template should also be disabling the next button on the last page in a lesson already, so I suspect there might be something else going on that's causing a conflict. We'd have to see your lesson to know for sure. You can start a support chat, or send us the latest version of your lesson and we can take a look and get back to you.
+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Final page
24/01/23 15:17 en respuesta a Navdeep Dhillon.
Thanks! I just uploaded the file. 

File uploaded successfully! Reference ID:1674573345835-12928

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RE: Final page
24/01/23 19:58 en respuesta a Gavin Van De Walle.
Thanks for sending the file! Some of the actions got switched at some point (see image). It should be false, true for that middle section.

Hope that helps!
+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Final page
25/01/23 13:55 en respuesta a Navdeep Dhillon.
Thank you!!
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