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RE: Embedding an app with SMB

Embedding an app with SMB
5/09/23 13:20
We need to embed an app within smartbuilder.
This is the link of the game.
How do I ensure this is not opened as a separate tab but opened within SMB itself so the user is not directed to another tab or page.
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
5/09/23 13:50 en respuesta a sanjyot salgar patkar.
When I try the link you gave it says 'Site Not Found'.... But to embed web based content in a lesson I would use the Web Object. With this object you can point to a URL, use embed code, or point to a specific file. Without a link that works I cannot verrify if your app could be embedded.
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
5/09/23 14:02 en respuesta a John Malatino.

Please try this link
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RE: Embedding an app with SMB
5/09/23 14:07 en respuesta a sanjyot salgar patkar.
Yes that link works. Same advice as before. Use the 'Web Object' and in it's 'URL' property paste that link. Seems to work fine for me.
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