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RE: Multiple Random Question Banks

Multiple Random Question Banks
5.7.2019 10:57
We’re looking at using Smart Builder to build an assessment. Is there a way to have more than one question bank but only one results screen / question controller?   Our project requires six banks of four questions, randomly showing one question from each bank (so the user will see six questions shown in sequence and then a results screen). Please can you let me know if this is possible and if it is, how should the quiz controller/subflow be set up? 
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RE: Multiple Random Question Banks
5.7.2019 21:17 vastaus kirjoittajalle Simon B.
Hi Simon,
There are lots of ways to do this, and choosing the best way might depend on your needs.  Here's what I would consider the easiest approach from the requirements that you mentioned:

It uses our templates, and requires a little bit of custom logic - but because there's only one question from each bank, it's pretty easy.  If your requirements change, it might not be the best approach.  We include a little section about how to set up randomization with pulling more than one question from each bank, so if anyone wants the page that has that logic, please email and we'll send that over to you.

In the future we may update our templates to make this easier to set up.  If we do that, we'll update this post.

Hope that helps!
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RE: Multiple Random Question Banks
3.5.2023 19:12 vastaus kirjoittajalle Navdeep Dhillon.
Here's the sample lesson with the page that has the randomization logic you can take.

EDIT: Replaced the sample file. Fixed a bug - I had not copied the "continue button onClick > go to previous page" action onto any of the questions in quiz 2. Also added retake functionality (see Canvas 1 of the results page).
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