Keskustelualueet Keskustelualueet


RE: Mic recording input

Mic recording input
26.6.2023 2:30
Dear Team
Is there any option of mic recording in SB?. We need the user to record the input through mic and have it submitted in the quiz . Is this possible?
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RE: Mic recording input
audio recording
26.6.2023 9:14 vastaus kirjoittajalle sanjyot salgar patkar.
Hi Sanjyot,

SmartBuilder currently does not have an audio recording capability, and as far as I'm aware, SCORM does not provide any way to include audio with data "submitted" to an LMS. Audio recording by learners is something we have considered in the past, so I'm curious about your use case. What functionality are you hoping to have? For example:
  • What are you asking learners to record? e.g., is it foreign language training? sales training? something else?
  • Do you want to store the learner's audio tracks on a server?
  • Who would be able to review the stored audio tracks? Other learners or instructors?
  • How would feedback (if any) flow from the reviewers back to the learners who created the audio?
  • How would learners know when they have received feedback?
Regarding your current need to record audio, if you are aware of any web application that provides this functionality, you could load the app inside SmartBuilder's Web object, so it could appear seamlessly to the learner within your SB lesson.
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