Hi smartbuilder team,
I had two small questions.
1. I want to get data out of the url. We need url's that import data so we can for example immediatly jump to slide 5 without any clicks (in our example for QR codes). I thought I could do this by getting the launch parameters and then have https://websitehere.com?&variablea=5&variableb=john or something, but I can't get smartbuilder to load the 'variablea' and make the '5' the value of that variable. I did watch the videos on how to import csv files, but could not find anything about url.
2. I came across this post about animation easing in the forum. I was wondering if there has been an update on this. As I saw that when you go to easing now, it changes the value into 'linear' (instead of a number like it used to do). So I have a feeling this might be updated? I tried 'bezier' or 'smooth' but that of course were random guesses

As always, thanks for you help