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RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons

Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.02. 11:13
Dear Team
we have used the drag and drop button and the default ticks for the right answer and cross for the wrong answer. To maintain consistency in other quizzes we need to use the same cross and tick mark for the custom questions created. .Is there a way to get the default settings for cross button and tick marks for right and wrong answer of the drag and drop button within smartbuilder settings and how to get them?
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RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.02. 18:57 válaszként erre: sanjyot salgar patkar.
Hi Sanjyot,
They're just some of the shape objects using the standard green (#038003) and red (#FF0303) colors found in the color picker. 32x32 for Large.

Here's a video showing how to set up some of the built-in feedback on some objects. You can get creative with the move block and images to create whatever feedback you want.

Hope that helps! Lesson attached, if you want to copy the shapes out of it (though it should take you only a few seconds to create your own). The RB and CB properties are easy to change.

- Nav
0 (0 Szavazatok)

RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.15. 6:11 válaszként erre: sanjyot salgar patkar.
Thanks but this time we need to change the default tick and cross buttons to certain images. Is there a way to get the customized images added to the drag and drop zone
0 (0 Szavazatok)

RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.16. 1:32 válaszként erre: sanjyot salgar patkar.
Hi Sanjyot,
Unfortunately, there is not a way to change the default correct/incorrect feedbacks for the drag and drop. You would instead have to bring the feedback in as images, and show them accordingly. You can also use the Move object to object block to move them if necessary (see attached image for an example). We'd have to see your lesson before we could provide more specific advice.

- Nav
+1 (1 Szavazás)

RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.16. 6:47 válaszként erre: Navdeep Dhillon.
Thank you Navdeep and Team

Here are the full set of requirements, I think it's better to put it down all together instead of individual threads on the forum. I have been trying out a lot of different options since the audience are school students the requirements get a little more demanding. Not sure how much of these are possible but would be great if you can suggest few ideas or workarounds given the limitations of the tool.

Drag Zone:
1. When the user click on the drag button the button or cursor to get bigger in size  until it is dropped for visual emphasis to the student. Since it's not possible to increase the size of the cursor of the drag option I have changed the pointer cursor to a hand pointer. Now is it possible to increase the size of the drag button when it is being dragged?

2. Drop Zone
a. After the option is dropped is it possible to show the drag option within the drop zone since the student forgets what option he dragged when he sees the feedback. This helps for retention purposes for the student. Can this appear as a smaller text in a corner within the drop zone?

b. I have already limited the drop to 1 per DZ but after the drop is done the colour of the drop zone button should be greyed out indicating that this option has already been exhausted.

c & d are interdependent

c. Even if the student continues to drop a second option on the already used up drop zone , the feedback of the drop zone should not change . Although xapi reports the 1st drop , the feedback options change as per the last drop as this is programmed for last drops. There is no option to report for other drops.

d. Change the feedback option (ticks and crosses) to customized images. As you already stated that this is not possible, I guess individual feedbacks for every questions needs to be created. 
Since individual feedbacks are to created would this also resolve issue from c?
0 (0 Szavazatok)

RE: Drag and drop tick mark and cross buttons
2022.12.16. 8:22 válaszként erre: sanjyot salgar patkar.
One small update.I have been able to grey out the buttons of the DZ and restrict the dropping of more than 1 drag item into it by disabling the DZ
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