לוחות מודעות לוחות מודעות


label image

label image
13:49 03/07/19
In many cases we have add call out in order to explain parts of equipament. So what i want to do is: click on image and a call out explain and when i click the same image again the call out fade. How can I do that?
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RE: label image
16:26 03/07/19 כתגובה ל-Pedro Costa
Hi Pedro,

It sounds like you want the caption to toggle show/hide each time you click the image. Here's an example of how to set this up:

קבצים מצורפים:

קובץ מצורף

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RE: label image
21:59 03/07/19 כתגובה ל-Rob Penn
Rob's method is great!  For anyone interested in a slightly more complex but streamlined method of doing the same thing, here's an example of that - http://share.smartbuilder.com/public/support/toggle-showing.mp4

Both methods work well, so just use the one that makes the most sense to you!
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