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RE: Test topics to review based on responses

Test topics to review based on responses
19:43 03/07/24

My course has a 40-multiple-choice questoin test at the end. As part of the standards I must follow to maintain accreditation, I'm unable to show users their responses as it could compromise test security in that others could create a key and post it online. Thus, I'm wondering if there is a way to show the user the topics/modules that they need to review based on the questions they got wrong if they fail the test.

Thank you!
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RE: Test topics to review based on responses
20:49 03/07/24 כתגובה ל-Gavin Van De Walle
Hi Gavin,
Great question! Here's how you would set up something like that:


Let me know if anything is unclear!

- Nav
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RE: Test topics to review based on responses
20:40 04/07/24 כתגובה ל-Navdeep Dhillon
Is there a way to avoid showing the topics to review if the user passes the test, even if they missed some questions? In my case, the learner must earn a 70% to pass (28/40 questions). Thank you again!
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RE: Test topics to review based on responses
00:06 06/07/24 כתגובה ל-Gavin Van De Walle
Hi Gavin,
Another great question! There is a way to determine if a lesson quiz has been passed or failed, and even to get the score in an easy way. There are some secret objects off screen to the right of the page. See this forum post - How to show or hide something when a quiz is passed or failed.

So in your case, you would use "failed quiz.onShow" as your trigger to update and show your review text. I don't know if you have multiple attempts turned on for your quiz, so we just used both objects as a trigger. See attached image. Or if you wanted to show something different when they passed, you could use "passed quiz.onShow" as your trigger.

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+1 (1 הצבעה)

RE: Test topics to review based on responses
20:39 05/07/24 כתגובה ל-Navdeep Dhillon
Excellent -- easy enough!
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