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RE: How to check if a user has viewed all the layers?


I have created a page with 3 different layers. There are three buttons on the base layer and clicking on it shows the content of linked layer.

User can click on buttons in any order. I want the continue button to show up only after the learner has viewed content from all the layers.

Can you please tell me how do I do that?

Thank you
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RE: How to check if a user has viewed all the layers?
19/11/26 18:04 D Singhへのコメント
Hi D,
Thanks for posting this!  We have actually created a trigger on the Stack level to account for this.  Here's a video on how to use it - https://share.suddenlysmart.com/public/support/stack-on-all-layers-viewed.mp4

Let us know if that doesn't answer your question!

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