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RE: Actions: Enhancement Request - Set Size Option

Category: Actions

Enhancement Request:
It would helpful to have an action item that would allow the author to change height/width of an object using absolute values such as 100x100. This would not replace the Scale action currently avaialble, but would be a new action to something like "set size of {object name} to {value field h,w}" or set size of {object name} to {value field height}x{value field width}. The set size would not attempt to scale anything and the author would be responsible for accounting for any distortion on images and such.

Use Case:
In many of our courses,we include screen shots of applications that we may be teaching the learner about. We typically resize the image to something smaller that fits on the course page with the explanatory text, but give the user a button to expand the image to a larger or full size view. In SB3, we handle this using display sets with the larger image being a separate object in another display set. Having an action that allows us to set the size would prevent the need to have the same image placed on the screen twice helping to keep file sizes smaller. 
+1 (1 投票)

RE: Actions: Enhancement Request - Set Size Option
22/07/06 12:18 Steve Shipeへのコメント
Is there a feature similar to this yet?
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RE: Actions: Enhancement Request - Set Size Option
22/07/06 17:05 Daniel de Ridderへのコメント
Hi there,
This feature has not yet been added. However, the original concern (more images increasing overall file size) is somewhat mitigated. If you have two instances of the same image, and one is scaled down (thumbnail) and the other is full size, then SmartBuilder is smart enough to only include the larger file with the package - it doesn't bundle 2 copies.

Overall, SmartBuilder tends to be WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), so rather than setting the size in the actions, previewing, adjusting size and position in the actions, and then previewing again, and making more adjustments... and then you still have to reset those size/position changes in the actions when the zoom is closed. It tends to make more sense to just have 2 image objects on the page that you can see simultaneously, and a simple action to show / hide the large image. When you're happy with the larger image, you can simply hide it in the Cast to create a clean workspace.

In fact, here's a super easy way to create a toggle visibility of an object in the actions (see attached image). The "not" block is found under the "Value" action category.

If there's a different need for setting the size of an image in pixels that we're not seeing, let us know!



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RE: Actions: Enhancement Request - Set Size Option
22/07/07 6:30 Navdeep Dhillonへのコメント
Hello Navdeep,

I am tasked with creating a custom dropdown interface, which scales with external inputs.
Currently I am showing/hiding options in this interface via Lists, but I was hoping to scale the interface background's height depending on the number of items shown.

By the sound of it, I am guessing this is not the case.
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RE: Actions: Enhancement Request - Set Size Option
22/07/08 20:45 Daniel de Ridderへのコメント
Not currently, but I'll add your use case to the backlog ticket!
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