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Showing an object when scrolling

Showing an object when scrolling
20/01/28 19:56
Hello Smartbuilder Friends!  
I am building a website simulation and would like to show an object when the user scrolls down to a particular point on the page.  For instance, there is a search box on the page that disappears when scrolling and then jumps to a header after it moves out of view.  Not sure how to trigger something like that. (Probably something easy to do...) 
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RE: Showing an object when scrolling
20/01/28 20:26 Scott Sheridanへのコメント
Hi Scott,
This actually is not very easy to do.  Scrolling the page isn't really something that SmartBuilder pays attention to.  There isn't a mechanism for detecting "the user has scrolled down past a certain point".  So I'm not really sure how we can simulate this.

We can make things "Float" so that when a user is scrolling, items move along with the viewport (such as making a persistent top or bottom navigation bar that scrolls with the user), but that is generally designed to make a consistent UI, not one that changes behavior.

Perhaps if you do not use fluid scrolling, and instead have a "Scroll Down" button which switches the view, then you actually have an event (the button click) that you can detect, and show/hide the appropriate search bars.

If the website is public-facing you can send us a link to the site you're trying to simulate (either here or via email), and we can see if we have any ideas.

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