Ry Landry ランク: Youngling 投稿: 10 参加年月日: 21/02/17 最近の投稿 | I would like to apply a master to a master. I have a navigation master that applies to all pages, say 80. Based on different regions i need to alter that navigation page. If I could apply a master to a master that cascading effect would be easy. I could create 3 masters that applied to another master that is used in the pages cast, this way they could be easily swapped before publishing. Currently my only option is spliting content bewteen masters and applying them indiviudallty to all 80 pages or crating a very complicated master that a following user will never understand. Splitting this to concurrnetly applied masters has become a logistical PIMA and undesirable.
Maybe i'm stuck inside a box, open to ideas. |