Navdeep Dhillon ランク: Jedi Master 投稿: 271 参加年月日: 15/11/10 最近の投稿 | Hi Scott, Currently this is not possible, but we'll add it to the backlog. Out of curiousity, how many total pages are in your lesson? And how many do you want to apply this master to? Are they contiguous pages?
At the moment, you can add a Master to each individual page, one-by-one, which is the most flexible (but can be time consuming if you have a lot of pages).
If you want to apply a master to most of the pages in your lesson, you can go to the Master, right click on it, and apply it to ALL pages in your lesson. And then one-by-one remove it from the pages where you don't want it. Sometimes that can be faster, depending on the number of pages that use it / don't use it.
Another nuance is that if you are looking at a page with a Master, and then create a new page from there, the new page will use the same Masters as the page you were just looking at - probably doesn't help you at this point, or if you've just created a new Master, but it might help in the future. When you create a new subflow, if you set up the Masters before creating more pages, it should sort of take care of itself.
Hope that helps |