Navdeep Dhillon ランク: Jedi Master 投稿: 271 参加年月日: 15/11/10 最近の投稿 | Hi Scott, Normally, a translator would leave those cells untouched. I'm not sure what you mean by "leaving those spots blank".
If you're trying to filter the exported doc to make the translation easier, removing portions of the translation document seems pretty risky. I did a quick test and it seemed to work out fine (removing rows from the Word doc that I don't want translated), but I would be cautious with a full lesson. You might get errors when trying to reimport the text.
The ideal thing would be to provide the translator with a copy of the lesson and explain what you want so that they can see which text to translate and which to leave alone, or to rename the objects that you want translated (or ignored).
You're welcome to try it out, but I would maybe try it with one short lesson first and see how it goes.
Hope that helps! |