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RE: Player Bar

Player Bar
23/02/24 09:25
User should be able to slide the audio , play and pause it. Hence we are trying to use the player bar . would like to understand
1. if the user mutes the audio is it possible to for the play button to automatically change to mute button to show muting of the audio. How can this be done?
2. how do we make use of the pause option. There is no pause button. When the play is clicked the audio plays.but how do we get the pause action for the audio? how does the play button become a pause button?
3. How to hide the timeline bar as only play and audio control is needed.
4. Is it possible to have the audio control horizontal instead of vertical slider control?

Also wanted to understand when is the preload option used for audio control?
Any tutorial that you may have created on the past for player bar in the past that answers these questions please do share.
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RE: Player Bar
23/02/24 18:28 em resposta a sanjyot salgar patkar.
Hi Sanjyot,
Here's a video that I think answers what you're asking - https://share.smartbuilder.com/public/support/individual/s-audio-player.mp4

Source file attached.
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RE: Player Bar
27/02/24 08:30 em resposta a sanjyot salgar patkar.
Thanks a lot.This is most useful and was able to get it resovled from the different options that you provided
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