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Button states aren't saved

Button states aren't saved
29/12/16 18:53
Category: Button Properties
Description:The Disabled State of a button only "sticks" when the user first shows a button with that option set. If the user then clicks elsewhere (another button for example) and then returns to the previous button, the Disabled state is no longer set for that button.
Steps to Replicate:1. Create a Stack that contains 3 buttons2. Create a separate Stack with 3 layers that will contain buttons layered over the ones in the first stack (one button in each layer will display over its counterpart in the first stack.3. For each button in Stack 2 for each layer, set the Disabled property to True4. Create an action for each button in Stack 1 to display the corresponding layer from Stack 2 (Stack 1 Button 1 should show Stack 2, Layer 2 with disabled button, etc.)5. Preview the stageResult: When any of the buttons from Stack 1 are clicked, the corresponding layer from Stack 2 displays with the Button disabled. Clicking another button from Stack 1 then displays the corresponding layer from Stack 2 with that Button disabled. However, clicking on the previous selected button now displays the corresponding layer from Stack 2, but the button is no longer disabled.
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RE: Button states aren't saved
05/01/17 13:14 em resposta a Beta User.
Thanks for logging this issue. It has been fixed.
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