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Hyperlink to launch GMail?

Hyperlink to launch GMail?
1/21/22 3:37 PM
We've been wanting to incorporate a 'Report an Issue' button in our courses for a while.  I have read up on how to launch an email with prepopulated fields, but we use GMail.  Is there any work around or option for that? 
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RE: Hyperlink to launch GMail?
1/21/22 4:59 PM as a reply to Scott Sheridan.
Hi Scott,
An interesting question. If you're using mailto, then it depends on your what your user's email client is. You can't override that.

I found this post that uses a hyperlink instead of mailto:

Seems to work pretty well for me (see image below) -

Note that if you're trying to populate the body or the subject with special characters (like a "?") or pull in dynamic text, you'll have to start encoding the characters to make them websafe. For example, ? would be %3F.

- Nav
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RE: Hyperlink to launch GMail?
1/21/22 6:19 PM as a reply to Navdeep Dhillon.
Thanks, Nav!  That works perfectly! 
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