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Hyperlink editing ability no longer available after reopening file.

Hyperlinks: Ability to edit hyperlink is no longer available when project is saved, closed and then reopened in SB4

When a hyperlink is added to an object like Text, a button, or a shape, the hyperlink icon remains active and the author can edit the hyperlink as long as the project is not closed. When the project is closed and then reopened, the hyperlink icon shows depressed; however, clicking it does not display the Link properties window and the link cannot be edited.

Note: The Rich Text object does still retain the ability to edit the hyperlink via the hyperlink icon on the main toolbar without having to open the rich text editor.

1) Add a text field, button, image or shape to the stage
2) Select the object and click the Hyerlink icon on the main toolbar
3) Add a valid URL to the URL field (I used
4) Click OK on the Link window
5) Save the project and close
6) Reopen project
7) Select object with hyperlink and click the hyperlink icon to open Link window

The hyperlink icon depresss, but the Link window does not display. The icon then shows as not being depressed until the cursor is moved off of the object.
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RE: Hyperlink editing ability no longer available after reopening file.
2/13/17 8:19 PM as a reply to Steve Shipe.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for pointing this out.  It is fixed, and you'll see it in the next update.
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