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Questions on switching to version 4

Questions on switching to version 4
5/8/17 9:08 PM
  1. What are the main downside and upside of switching?
  2. When publishing a lesson are all of the elements in the file the same as version 3?
  3. Does version 4 allow for ppt uploads?
  4. Can more than 1 lesson be opened at the same time?
  5. Does version 4 work for Mac and can this be downloaded on multiple computers?
  6. I didn't see specific setups (closed captions, iFrame, display sets, menu).
  7. When SB has updates how is that deployed to the version 4?
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RE: Questions on switching to version 4
5/8/17 9:43 PM as a reply to Jamal Austin.
Hi Jamal,
Great questions.  Thanks for posting on the foum.  See my answers in green.

  1. What are the main downside and upside of switching? That really depends on your needs.  There are some features that are not implemented yet in v4, but many other things are similar or faster in v4.
  2. When publishing a lesson are all of the elements in the file the same as version 3?  It is a similar multi-file structure, but they are not interchangeable.  If you're asking about how you will publish, and upload to your LMS, the workflow is about the same, or even easier if you were using the HTML5 Converter.  Here's a video tutorial that shows you the process.
  3. Does version 4 allow for ppt uploads? No, not yet.
  4. Can more than 1 lesson be opened at the same time? Yes!
  5. Does version 4 work for Mac and can this be downloaded on multiple computers? Yes to Mac, yes to multiple computers.  Though you do have 1 license, and will have to enter it when you switch between computers.
  6. I didn't see specific setups (closed captions, iFrame, display sets, menu). Closed captions can be set on videos directly, or if you're after a transcript functionality that appears on every page, we will soon have a template for that, but you can build it in your lesson now.  The exact approach depends on the features that you want.  The IFrame is there, but is now called the "Web Object".  Display Sets and Displays are now called Stacks and Layers (see this video tutorial on how to use them).  There is a Menu object (all of our Master Navigation templates already include them, but you can find the object itself in the Objects palette).
  7. When SB has updates how is that deployed to the version 4?  When there is an update, you will be prompted when you launch the tool.  The tool will download and update itself in that way.  Any lessons that you built in v4 will continue to work after the update.  If you have problems with the autoupdate, you can always uninstall the current version and download the newer version from this portal site.
Thanks for your questions.  Hope that helps!
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