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RE: xapi connection error

xapi connection error
21-3-15 上午2:14
Hi SBTeam, I am connecting xapi to my LRS (I'm using litmos lms) after I uncomment and enter lrs infomation (endpoint, authUser and authPassword) in the tincanConfig.js file, I uploaded my scorm to litmos lms, the variable (true) on the screen is "is xapi enabled", but the allert say this error "xapi connecton error". What ellse do I need to do?
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RE: xapi connection error
xapi tincan
21-3-15 上午10:04 回复luffyace kun。
Hi Nguyen,

To help us trouble shoot this please create a learner account that we can use to access the lesson and see the error message ourselves. This will allow us to analyze the calls being sent and received. You can send the login URL, ID and Password to support@smartbuilder.com.

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RE: xapi connection error
21-3-16 上午2:09 回复Rob Penn。
Rob Penn
Hi Rob, 
I've send an email with the infomation you need. Please check your inbox. Thank you!
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