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RE: Using timeline and layers

Using timeline and layers
22-6-29 下午12:07
If I want to have multiple layers on a page, and I want the objects on each layer to show up in various spots associated with the audio track. How can I use the timeline? It is attached to the first layer, and subsequent layers use the same timeline.
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RE: Using timeline and layers
22-6-29 下午3:44 回复David Sprecher。
Hi David,
Thanks for posting here.

There is only one Timeline per page, and it's attached to the page itself. Unfortunately you cannot directly add layers to a Timeline. You have a couple workarounds, though:

You can show invisible shapes in the Timeline, and then create actions to say "when Shape 4 is shown, show Layer 4".

Or, you can create Cue Points on the Timeline, and create actions based off those Cues.

Here's a video: https://share.smartbuilder.com/public/support/control-layers-from-timeline.mp4

Hope that helps!

- Nav
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