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RE: Multiple bookmarks

Multiple bookmarks
22-8-12 上午6:56
Dear All
I have a combination of video and quizzes on different pages.
I have used the existing bookmark template.

If the learner exits while attempting the quiz the bookmark functionality works well as the user returns back to the page to attempt the quiz. 

I would like the user to return to the timestamp of the video if he exits while watching the video. I have created a variable that stores this timestamp. The user returns to the page of the video correctly but the not the timestamp. The video starts playing from the beginning instead of the timestamp.  The reason I guess is because the page number is being stored in the action block.

Do you have any previously answered videos that have multiple bookmarks created so that the user is able to return to the intial state based on where he left.

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RE: Multiple bookmarks
22-8-12 下午3:42 回复sanjyot salgar patkar。
Hi Sanjyot,
How your lesson is set up makes a big impact on the structure of the actions. Generally the LMS (if you're using SCORM) only has a place for one a bookmark, but another place where you can store all your variables. So you are still only using one "bookmark", but the timestamp is stored in a variable. xAPI is different, but would work in a similar way.

I thought your lesson already had the functionality to restore the video to its timestamp? Or is this a new lesson? As a reminder, you can sidestep all of these issues if you can slice your video into multiple pieces, and put them on separate pages.

Basically, we need to see the lesson and how it is set up before we can offer any meaningful advice.

One thing to keep in mind is that when the video loads up, it might take a moment for the video to actually load in - if you're trying to set the time as soon as it loads, it might not work because the video doesn't know how long it is yet. With your actions that try to set the video time, also show your timestamp in a text object on the page - this will tell you if your actions are working, but the video isn't ready to receive it yet.

- Nav
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RE: Multiple bookmarks
22-8-13 下午7:20 回复Navdeep Dhillon。
Dear Navdeep.
This lesson is being developed for another customer using xapi and not through SCORM

As suggested I tried capturing the video's current time in a rich text object to see if it can be reported later in other action blocks. But the text object shows '0' not matter what the time of the video is. I think it has something to do with formating.

Is there a way to format the rich text object to show time in hh:mm:ss. I tried to set the format but I guess its not the right format.
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RE: Multiple bookmarks
22-8-13 下午7:21 回复sanjyot salgar patkar。
Hi Sanjyot,
Since this a public forum, I've deleted the lesson you posted here (but I have a copy). I'll take a look and get back to you on Monday!

- Nav
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RE: Multiple bookmarks
22-8-15 下午5:59 回复sanjyot salgar patkar。
Hi Sanjyot,
So there are a couple things here.

1. "set formatted data" is used to put some dynamic html text into the Rich Text object - not to change the format of data. See attached image for an example. There is no built-in way to put the raw seconds into mm:ss format. You would have to do some math manually to do that, but I'm not sure where you would need it in that format - SmartBuilder gives the time in seconds, and will only understand the time in seconds (for example: 189 would be equivalent to 03:09). If you need it in a specific format, we can see about making an easy way to translate it.

2. The actions you have here only set the text when the page loads or changes, so the trigger is wrong, not the format. Also (not shown in the image), the actions are setting the text to the time, and then immediately overwriting it with the text string "mm:ss". You want to know the current time, so you have to use the trigger that is updating every second (the one on the timer) - and you do not want to use "set formated text" at all. See attached image.

Hope that helps!
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RE: Multiple bookmarks
22-8-16 上午8:57 回复Navdeep Dhillon。
Thanks Navdeep. This was very helpful. I didnt realize that I was actually tracking the incorrect trigger.

One last question. I have created a bookmark in the bookmark template to go to the video timestamp when the user exits the video while watching. When the video is being played the timestamp is saved in the variable videoBookmark and is correcty displayed in the text object 'bm video time'. 'bm video time' text object is placed on the bookmark page besides 'bm page number' text object.
I have followed the steps in the template and added an xapi_video_bookmark variable that saves this value. 
When I click on the 'Go to Bookmark' action block I have used goto timeline by sec and added the Bm video time value to it.
When I close the video and see the value when the page is re opened this value is not correct that appears in the text object, bm video time that should have been the video watched value.
I have attached screenshots that you may find helpful. If possible can you guide me what possibly may have gone wrong or what exactly I am doing incorrectly. I am still trying to figure out Smartbuilder. 
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