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RE: Question about Percent Gauge Actions

Question about Percent Gauge Actions
17-1-13 下午8:31
Are there any actions that allow the author to change the Foreground, Background and/or Line color for Percent Gauges?
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RE: Question about Percent Gauge Actions
17-1-24 上午11:56 回复Steve Shipe。
Hi Steve,

Not currently, but that is something we should be able to add.
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RE: Question about Percent Gauge Actions
17-1-24 下午2:03 回复Robert Penn。

That would be a nice enhancement. It would make it easier to create graphs to trigger changes in the percent gauge(s) based on user input. For example, if a user enters 25, the color of the gauge could be changed to red and if the value was 75, it could be green.
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RE: Question about Percent Gauge Actions
17-1-26 下午5:21 回复Steve Shipe。
That's a good use-case. I agree it would be useful.
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