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Google analytics

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Google analytics
25-2-10 下午1:32

We are having trouble getting the Google analytics out of the lesson.

We've added the measurement ID to the lesson settings, hoping this would add the analytics link in the html file and send stuff to our google analtyics. Because it didn't add the analtyics automatically in the html file, we  added the google analytics code to the html file after publshing. Our guess is this is needed to send the data.

So far we now only get the statistics from the .html file. We don't see anything from the measurement ID inside smartbuilder. And because of this we also can't add triggers to our buttons to see which choices the viewers made (my guess is that this is the reason to have google analytics within smartbuiler).

I understand google analytics is not your software, but do you have some documentation or tutorial how to get it set up in smartbuilder. And how we can track button clicks?

Thanks in advance
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RE: Google analytics
25-2-13 下午6:05 回复Marcel Ooms。
Hi Marcel,
Google Analytics should be pretty easy to set up - just make sure that you're looking at the "Realtime view" while you're testing. The main screen will not update for up to 24 hours.

Here's a video that shows the set up and how it works - https://app.screencast.com/KyZuTQd2kOcoo

Let me know if you're still running into issues. Also try a simple case. It might be some server settings that are blocking the calls, depending on where you're launching the lesson from.

- Nav
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RE: Google analytics
25-2-20 上午9:37 回复Navdeep Dhillon。
Hi Navdeep,
Thanks for your tutorial. At the end it turned out we did get it to work, but apparently google analytics does not allow you to iframe projects. So it did all come in fine on our website with the lesson, but when we iframed our website with the lesson to put it on the clients website, it blocks all analytics.

But your video was very helpful. It made us find the problem. Besides that, we didn't know about the build in tools for event reporting, which is really cool!

Thanks for your help again emoticon
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