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RE: Toggle selection for a quiz

Toggle selection for a quiz
22-9-21 上午3:14
How do I create a bank of items that can be selected and deselected, and then check to see if there are a certain number selected. And then how do I provide feedback if the specific correct items are selected (or negative feedback if they are not selected)?
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RE: Toggle selection for a quiz
22-9-21 下午8:14 回复Ria Malik。
Hi Ria,
You can do this using Button objects that have the toggle property. And then you can ask those buttons how many are "selected" (aka in the down state). There's a slightly more programmatic way to handle the counting with tags, a for loop, and component blocks, but I'm not sure it's worth doing unless you have a really high number of items that make choosing the individual items in the actions quite onerous (in this particular case, something like 20). If anyone's curious how to do that, let us know.

Here's a video - https://share.smartbuilder.com/public/support/toggle-button-example.mp4

Sample lesson attached.
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