Navdeep DhillonHi Ashish,
This is a complex, multipart exercise. It would probably be helpful for you to see how it was created in v3 so that you can see the structure and the actions. Building it in v4 will probably be a little different and easier as we have more functionality available to us, but seeing the logic from v3 would still be helpful.
For the first part, it's just a drag and drop with one correct answer. After the correct object has been placed, it probably shows a whole new page/layer/display with a second set of drag and drop objects with one less drag item. So a whole new copy of the drag items, dropzone, and DnD manager.
If you're not sure how to set up Drag and Drops from scratch, watch this video: the second drag and drop, it seems like when each drag item is placed in the dropzone, a separate layer is shown. So when Drag_Item_A is placed in the dropzone, it shows Layer_A_follow_up, and when Drag_Item_D is placed in the dropzone it shows Layer_D_follow_up.
This can be detected with the following block: you show the appropriate follow up layer, you can create conditional actions to verify the correct checkboxes have been checked, and then the appropriate feedback for each selection.
Conditional actions: example, you might have an action similar to this, where you look for the completely correct answer and show the correct feedback, or if that hasn't been selected, check for a partially correct answer and show specific feedback for that, or a completely incorrect answer, and show feedback for that: that helps!
- Nav