Navdeep Dhillon ランク: Jedi Master 投稿: 265 参加年月日: 15/11/10 最近の投稿 | Hi Scott, At the moment, there isn't a mechanism for hidden pages. It really depends on your navigation and how controlled vs simple it is. Is there a menu? A menu can be editted to remove pages. Is there a back and next button on the Master? Could you add logic to disable the next button at a certain page? Can you move these pages to the end of the lesson? Is there a page total displayed somewhere?
It really depends on the pages, their purpose, and your existing navigation. One option is to create a copy of the lesson and just delete these pages, but still keep the original sb4. Or putting all the "hidden" pages at the end of the lesson, and just make sure they can't be accessed.
Hope that helps! |