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RE: Bookmark vs Local Storage

Bookmark vs Local Storage
16/08/22 16:41
I've been playing around with nesting lessons - where I have an outer SB file and depending on how a learner progresses, might have to complete one or two nested or inner lessons. These are SB lessons within a lesson instead of a branched scenario. 
While doing this however, I found that the bookmark template wouldn't work for the nested (inner lesson). Is there a way to bookmark, without having to use the SCORM bookmarking? I don't want a completion status on SCORM until the outer lesson completes, but I do want to offer the learner a choice of returning to the inner lesson at the point they left it. 

Any ideas?
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RE: Bookmark vs Local Storage
16/08/22 17:22 em resposta a Rupert Picardo.
Hi Rupert,
You're right - the inner SmartBuilder lesson cannot communicate with the LMS at all (neither are aware of each other).

If the inner lesson is a SmartBuilder lesson, you could instead use local bookmarking ("local storage" - it's similar to a cookie, but a little different). Of course, if the learner starts the lesson on one computer, and switches to another computer, this bookmark will not transfer over. Also, if the learner's browser storage is cleared (or they are using an incognito window), that data will be lost. Our bookmarking template can be modified to store in local storage, or you can build the actions from scratch.

Here's a bunch of info around this - https://share.smartbuilder.com/public/support/switching-from-SCORM-to-Local-Storage-bookmarking.mp4

Let us know if you have any questions!
+1 (1 Votar)

RE: Bookmark vs Local Storage
17/08/22 01:30 em resposta a Navdeep Dhillon.
Excellent. This is exactly what I needed. 
I know I've mentioned this before, but I really wish there was a guide to ALL the actions, with examples - especially the advanced ones. 

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