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Scrolling text?

Scrolling text?
5/23/19 12:29 PM
Hey there,

I have a long piece of text that needs to be read by the student. I would like to have it scroll across the screen a la a Star Wars intro to at least make it somewhat interesting to keep looking at. I see a 'scroller' option but that's only to allow people to scroll manually through a long text object. The different 'Slide to...' options seem to move too fast.

Is there a way to make it scroll slowly? 
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RE: Scrolling text?
5/23/19 12:50 PM as a reply to Bianca Grin.
Nevermind, got it!
Using a very long Motion Path with a timer to get it to scroll emoticon

Now all I need is a nice background and some dramatic music...

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