Navdeep Dhillon Rank: Jedi Master Posts: 256 Join Date: 11/10/15 Recent Posts | RE: Menu Answer 1/20/23 6:28 PM as a reply to Gavin Van De Walle. Hi Gavin, Generally speaking, as you go through the lesson, you can tell the menu to mark this page as complete (usually with a Global Event when that page's activity is complete).
If your menu is set to Allow Skip Ahead = false, you cannot use the menu to go to pages that are not complete. Marking pages as complete allows access.
So by the time they reach the end of the lesson, the entire menu should be complete. There is also an action on the menu that allows you to mark all pages as complete with one action.
All of this assumes you're in a single session. If you close the lesson and relaunch it, and it's coming from the LMS, then the bookmarking should restore the menu state, but there may be some issues with the configuration of the Masters, and some unknown behavior on the LMS-side of things. I think we'd need to meet to look at the lesson in the LMS together to help troubleshoot that (I know you've already been in contact).
Another thought is if you have marked the lesson as complete in the LMS, and the menu is not restoring for some reason, you can set up an action that basically says:
When the menu is shown, if LMS status is complete automatically mark all pages in the menu as complete.
That might be an easy workaround. |