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Enhancement request: Radio buttons group without buttons

Enhancement request: Radio buttons group without buttons
radio buttons
12/29/16 7:18 PM
Request: If possible, it would be helpful to have an option in the Button Size properties for "None". If selected, None would remove/hide the radio buttons allowing the author to have nothing but the text showing. The user would select the desired response by clicking on the text.

Use Case: We currently have scenarios in some of our courses where the interface calls for just text without radio buttons and this requires us to manually set up functionality that already exists in the Radio Button  properties. Having the ability to use the Radio Button object (or a completely new object without the buttons) would simply doing this.
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RE: Enhancement request: Radio buttons group without buttons
1/5/17 12:46 PM as a reply to Beta User.
As requested, a "None" size has been added to hide the button but keep the label.
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